School Opening Hours and Holidays
School Opening Hours
The school times below are the official compulsory start and end times to the school day, it does not include any before or after school clubs.
Year Group |
Start time |
Finish time |
Total time in school each week |
Reception |
9:00am |
3:30pm |
32.5 hours |
Year 1 |
9:00am |
3:30pm |
32.5 hours |
Year 2 |
9:00am |
3:30pm |
32.5 hours |
Year 3 |
9:00am |
3:30pm |
32.5 hours |
Year 4 |
9:00am |
3:30pm |
32.5 hours |
Year 5 |
9:00am |
3:30pm |
32.5 hours |
Year 6 |
9:00am |
3:30pm |
32.5 hours |
School Holidays
Please click on the downloads below to access our term dates for our current academic year and beyond.