St. Philip's is a Voluntary Aided, Church of England Primary School. The purpose of this site is to answer as many of your questions as we can and to ensure that your children settle quickly and easily into their new school routines. We deliver a well-researched, balanced and creative curriculum
with experienced staff. In addition to gaining language, mathematical, scientific and technological skills, your child will build confidence, develop self-reliance, learn to make decisions and develop the ability to articulate feelings and ideas. At St. Philip's, we also attach great importance to the development of the children's spiritual and moral values. These, together with the development of their social skills, will enable them to build relationships with other children and with adults and to be sensitive to the needs and feelings of others. We have developed a reputation within our community for establishing a secure, caring and industrious environment, in which children can achieve their full potential and have strong church/school links. We work hard to ensure that all our children acquire a high level of self-esteem and knowledge of themselves. Our latest Church Schools
Inspection in December 2018 considered us to be 'Excellent' in every category.
We believe that your involvement in a partnership with the school is crucial. We will provide frequent opportunities for you to be kept informed and involved in of all aspects of your child's life in school. We are keen to have parental involvement at all levels and if you have time to spare to come into school and work with us, then you will be made very welcome. Childhood, we would all agree, is a very special time and no-one passes this way again.
You may rely on us to do our utmost to make that time as joyous and productive as we can for your child. We look forward to a happy and trusting partnership between your home and our school.
Yours sincerely
Miss L Rigby